School of Animal Sciences Extension

The School of Animal Sciences extension group is charged with the development and delivery of research-based educational programs for the purpose of expanding the knowledge and enhancing the profitability of Virginia's livestock industry. Technological advances have encouraged massive innovation within the agricultural sector to increase safety, productivity, and sustainability. As a result, agriculture in Virginia is the largest private industry in the state with an economic impact of over $70 billion annually.
Visit our program areas below to learn more!
Home ItemVTBeef - Home of the Beef Extension Program at Virginia Tech , home
Virginia Tech's Beef Cattle Extension programs help serve the beef cattle industry. The primary focus of these programs is to enhance the profitability and sustainability of beef cattle production systems through enhanced production efficiency and value-added ventures.
Home ItemCompanion Animal Extension at Virginia Tech , home
Shelter Animals | Owned Pets & Horses | Shelter Dog Training Program | Companion Animal Research
Home ItemVTDairy - Home of the Dairy Extension Program at Virginia Tech , home
The Dairy Extension group is committed to the land-grant philosophy on which Virginia Tech was founded. Our goal is to deliver timely, scientifically based, useful and applicable information to the dairy industry and public at-large.
Home ItemVirginia Tech Equine Extension , home
The MARE Center has a number of projects, programs, and regular events to connect equine land managers and horse owners with the latest science-based information promoting equine and environmental well-being. Additionally, the 4-H Horse and Pony Program is a project-based learning opportunity about equine selection, nutrition, management, riding, recreation, fun, competition, horsemanship, and sportsmanship. Projects are available for youth owning or having access to horses, as well as for youth not having access to horses (horseless horse projects).
Home ItemVirginia Tech Poultry Extension , home
The poultry industry includes chickens, eggs, and turkeys and is Virginia’s largest agricultural driver, generating $12.5B in economic activity for the state.
Home ItemVirginia Tech Sheep Extension , home
Extension sheep programs focus on assisting producers and the industry become more profitable and sustainable. Educational programs are delivered on a local and statewide basis to transfer new knowledge and technology to the farm. Additional programs assist producers in adding value to their sheep enterprise.
Home ItemVTSwine - Home of the Swine Extension Program at Virginia Tech , home
The swine industry is a significant portion of Virginia's agricultural sector. Virginia Tech and Virginia Cooperative Extension work hand-in-hand to bring the latest research information to producers to enhance profitability, safety, and animal welfare.
Home ItemVirginia Tech Youth Animal Programs , home
The Virginia 4-H Youth Animal Programs enable youth to develop their interests in beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, sheep, meat goats, and swine in their 4-H projects. Youth learn about selection, care, and feeding of livestock, animal health, and the importance of good record keeping. Emphasis for these projects continues to be focused on life skill development. These programs offer competitions such as livestock judging and stockmen's contests, livestock shows at the county, district, and state levels...and more!