Alphin-Stuart Livestock Teaching Arena (LARNA)
Alphin-Stuart Livestock Teaching Arena (LARNA)

The Alphin-Stuart Livestock Teaching Arena (LARNA) has a regulation-size riding arena, classroom, servery, and animal holding areas. This is where the Intro to APSC lab is held, as well as other livestock labs, equitation classes, equestrian team practices, and many other events.
History of the Alphin Stuart Arena
Col. Horace E. Alphin and Patricia Bonsall Stuart
The Alphin-Stuart Livestock Teaching Arena is named for benefactors Col. and Mrs. Horace E. Alphin and the late Patricia Bonsall Stuart.
Colonel Horace E. Alphin (DASC '34) is a native of Botetourt County and enjoyed several successful careers. After receiving a commission in the Army reserve and a bachelor's degree in dairy husbandry from Virginia Tech, he earned a master's degree in dairy bacteriology from Tech and spent five years as a North Carolina Extension agent. In 1941, he was called to active duty and began a long, distinguished military career in personnel services. Alphin retired as a full colonel in 1967 and began another career in personnel administration with the Columbia Hospital for Women in Washington, D.C., until his second retirement in 1979. He became a successful land developer in Northern Virginia.
Mrs. Stuart and her husband, Herb, were Arabian horse breeders from Afton, VA. When she was 14, Mrs. Stuart began a lifelong career of showing and judging horses. Her husband was a founding director of the Virginia Horse Council, and she served as secretary and president of the council. In 1991, she was named the council's "Horsewoman of the Year."
The Alphin-Stuart Livestock Teaching Arena was dedicated on April 24, 2004.
Building information from:
500 Plantation Road
LARNA / 554
37.21929, -80.43991