Dorset Sires

Huntrods 5887
We acquired 5887 from long-time Dorset breeder Roger Huntrods of Collins, Iowa. Huntrods Dorsets have established a flock of moderate framed, heavy muscled, very correct sheep that are very practical and work for both commercial producers and club lamb enthusiasts alike. The 5887 ram has established himself as a potent sire and became a Dorset breed leader on NSIP for Carcass Plus index (combination of growth and muscle). He sires very correct, eye appealing lambs that are muscular and yet grow fast. The majority of our current ewe base traces to Huntrods 5887.
VA Tech P026 “Pete”
P026 was a standout son of Huntrod’s 5887’s first lamb crop. He participated and sold in the Virginia Ram Test, and went to an NSIP flock in West Virginia. He was used in two flocks in WV, and established himself as a trait leader in NSIP. We had a chance to aquire him as an mature ram, and used him several years.
Maple Hollow 15125 “Leroy”
We were searching for an outcross to our Huntrods genetics, and acquired this ram from Maple Hollow Farm, the Barkley family, in Pennsylvania as a yearling. He has outstanding phenotype, with additional growth and extension to compliment our existing genetics. His pedigree includes 24% Australian blood. 15125 is an established trait leader for growth on NSIP.
VA Tech Z010
Z010 is sired by Pete (P026) and out of a 5887-sired ewe, so is linebred Huntrods 5887. He is moderate framed, heavy muscled, and correct. He compliments the 15125 line very well.
Heisdorffer Dorsets 1263
Thanks to Chad Heisdorffer in Iowa for allowing us to purchase this ram. His sire “Vance” has done a great job for Chad. His dam is by Huntrods 5234. This ram works very well on the 5887 daughters.
VA Tech Z041
Z041 is a son of Maple Hollow 15125 on a Huntrods 5887 ewe. He is the son of 15125 we had been striving to produce. We sold half interest in Z041 to North Carolina State in our 2019 production sale. This ram remains a trait leader in NSIP for growth and carcass merit.
PRPD 2021
We leased this ram from NC State in 2022 as an outcross to the 15125 and Huntrods lines. His first lambs have been excellent, and have strong EBVs along with excellent phenotype. 2021 was bred by PR Performance Dorsets, Curt Stanley, in ND.