Companion Animal Newsroom

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Popular Press Interviews and Articles
Redirect Item“Nose Work” New Weapon Against Spotted Lanternfly , redirect
Curry, T. (2023, May 5) Countryside: May 2023. Crozet Gazette. Retrieved from
Redirect ItemSeeking dogs to help in study targeting spotted lanternfly , redirect
CBS19 (2023, April 12) Seeking dogs to help in study targeting spotted lanternfly. Retrieved from
Redirect ItemVirginia researchers using dogs to sniff out invasive spotted lanternflies , redirect
Fox 5 DC (2023, April 12) Virginia researchers using dogs to sniff out invasive spotted lanternflies. Retrieved from
Redirect ItemResearchers at Virginia Tech are recruiting dogs to help sniff out this invasive species , redirect
AccuWeather Network (2023, May 9) Researchers at Virginia Tech are recruiting dogs to help sniff out this invasive species. Retrieved from
Redirect ItemResearchers from Virginia Tech are recruiting dogs to sniff out spotted lanternflies eggs and get rid of them before they take over , redirect
Scripps News (2023, May 1). Morning Rush.
Redirect ItemDogs sniff out crop-killing spotted lanternflies , redirect
Fruit Growers News (2023, April 12) Dogs sniff out crop-killing spotted lanternflies. Retrieved from
Redirect ItemThe nose knows; Dogs find spotted lanternflies , other pests , redirect
Fruit Growers News (2023, July 10) The nose knows; Dogs find spotted lanternflies , other pests. Retrieved from
Redirect ItemStudy looks at how dogs can help fight the spread of spotted lanternflies , redirect
WVTF RadioIQ (2023, May 19) Study looks at how dogs can help fight the spread of spotted lanternflies. Retrieved from
Redirect ItemVT researchers partnering with four-legged friends to stop the spread of Spotted Lanternflys , redirect
WSLS (2023, April 24) VT researchers partnering with four-legged friends to stop the spread of spotted lanterflies. Retrieved from
Redirect ItemLeave it to dogs! , redirect
Weather Channel (2023, May 18). Leave it to dogs! You may have heard about the spotted lanternfly invasive species that poses a major threat to some plants. Now, canines are… Retrieved from
Redirect ItemHow researchers are using dogs to sniff out spotted lanternflies , redirect
The Today Show (2023, April 24) How researchers are using dogs to sniff out spotted lanternflies. Retrieved from
Redirect ItemDog detectives: Researchers training local canines to sniff out spotted lanternflies , redirect
Virginia Farm Bureau (2023, April 27) Dog detectives: Researchers training local canines to sniff out spotted lanternflies. Retrieved from
Page 1 of 2 | 24 Results
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News from Virginia Tech and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Video ItemStudents develop program to help shelter dogs , video
A group students in the College of Agriculture and Life Science's School of Animal Sciences are working on an independent study to improve the lives of shelter dogs through enrichment and training programs.
Video ItemVirginia Tech forms unique partnership with Roanoke Valley SPCA , video
The collaboration will provide hands-on learning for students as well as research opportunities for faculty. Virginia Tech's School of Animal Sciences newest faculty member Megan Arant will provide a dual role for teaching and also improving the shelter experience.
Article ItemPaws for a cause: Virginia Tech students, professors lead dog adoption efforts and research , article
In collaboration with the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection in Roanoke, students and researchers help dogs find forever homes.
Article ItemVirginia Tech researcher explores hybrid fostering of shelter dogs for improved canine welfare , article
A researcher in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is collaborating with PetSmart Charities to help improve animal welfare of dogs in need of adoption.
Page 1 of 3 | 12 Results