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2023 Outstanding Graduates

2023 SAS awardee Dana Dougherty in her graduation gown and cords. Hokiestone wall in the background.

Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award

Dana Dougherty

 The “CALS Undergraduate Research Award” honors seniors who exemplifies excellence in research. This award is based upon the involvement in long-term research projects, participation in conferences, published research papers, displayed leadership within the research environment, and unique contributions to their field of study.

Dana Dougherty is from the School of Animal Sciences and the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Dana has worked in multiple research labs within the School of Animal Sciences. In Dr. Rhoads lab, Dana is currently working on a live trial feeding phytonutrients to pigs is hopes of improvement in muscle growth. She has been a vital part in recruiting undergrads to work in this lab as well as assisting the principal researchers. As well, Dana has worked with the Poultry Nutrition lab where she worked heavily with graduate students, focusing on different levels of phosphorus in pullet feed. After discovering her love of research, Dana signed up to work on Dr. Corl's and Dr. Daniel's heat stress live experiments in dairy cows. From these experiments, further research has been initiated on mammary tissues and the effects from heat stress. Dana has also worked part time at the Virginia Tech Swine Center where she oversees the production side of Dr. Gerrard's pigs. She is a vital resource in all of these labs and she will be continuing her research and studies in the School of Animal Sciences master's program. After her master's, Dana is interested in joining the Peace Corps, and then maybe obtaining her doctorate. 

Outstanding senior for APSC, Katie Kirkpatrick in her graduation gown, cords, and stole, holding her cap, while seated with views of campus in the background.

Outstanding Senior (APSC)

Katie Kirkpatrick

From Rockbridge Baths, VA, Katie is a first-generation college student whose interest in production agriculture brought her to Virginia Tech. According to her school, Katie was chosen as the APSC Outstanding Senior because of her outstanding record of academic achievement, exemplary leadership roles, a can-do attitude, and her heart for service.  Katie is actively engaged in a multitude of activities and organizations, including the Poultry Club, Block and Bridle, The Big Event, and Collegiate Young Farmers. Katie has been involved in poultry research since her freshman year and was awarded a Pratt Undergraduate Research scholarship. Katie will be graduating Summa Cum Laude and has accepted a position with Perdue Foods as part of the Live Management Trainee program. 

2023 Outstanding senior for DASC, Jenna Marston, in her graduation gown, cords, and stole posing with a horse under blue skies.

Outstanding Senior (DASC)

Jenna Marston

A native from East Kingston, New Hampshire, Jenna is a double major in Dairy Science and Animal and Poultry Sciences. She has been an active member of Block and Bridle, the Dairy Club, and the Equestrian Club. Jenna was chosen for this award because of the breadth and quality of her experience as a student. She is a member of the Honors College and participated in two meaningful international experiences - an equine study abroad semester in Germany and a spring break excursion to Italy with the Dairy Club. She has been involved with undergraduate research in Dr. Robin White's laboratory, and has competed on the Virginia Tech's Dairy Cattle Judging Team. After graduation, Jenna will be attending the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State with the goal of becoming a large animal veterinarian.

From: Learn more about all 2023 CALS outstanding graduates by visiting the link above.