Shepherd's Symposium
![Former student, Zach Jacobs, rounding up escapees at the Copenhaver Sheep Center in Blacksburg, Virginia. Winter, frozen ground.](/content/sas_vt_edu/en/extension/vtsheep/shepherds-symposium/_jcr_content/article-image.transform/m-medium/image.jpg)
Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Virginia Sheep Producers Association host the Virginia Shepherd's Symposium annually in early January. This program is open to all sheep producers from the region and provides an educational opportunity for producers, educators and other professionals in sheep and related agribusiness industries. The program features speakers on a variety of topics, and the event hosts the annual meeting of VSPA.
Proceedings - 2024 Virtual Shepherd's Symposium (pdf)
Held: Wednesday & Thursday, February 7-8, 2024
Wednesday, February 7 - Recording from the 2024 Virginia Shepherd's Symposium
- Flock Health Management Tips
Hollie Schramm, DVM, Virginia-MarylandCollege of Veterinary Medicine - Production and Financial Records that Make Sense
Camren Maierle, Ph.D.,Sustainability Director- American Lamb Board - Fall vs. Winter/Spring Lambing: Management and Marketing Cosiderations
Scott Greiner, Ph.D., School of Animal Sciences, Virginia Tech
Thursday, February 8 - Recording from the 2024 Virginia Shepherd's Symposium
- Building Better Sheep Grazing Systems
Johnny Rogers, Extension Associateand Amazing Grazing Program Coordinator, North Carolina State University - Scrapie Identification and Antibiotic Regulations
Chris Fletcher, DVM, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Wool Marketing– What’s In Store for 2024
Tom Stanley, Virginia Cooperative Extension - Update from ASI
Lisa Weeks, ASI Executive Board- Region II Director, Virginia - Virginia Sheep Industry Updates
Reports from Virginia Sheep ProducersAssociation and Virginia Sheep Industry Board
Proceedings and recordings from previous years are posted below.
Recording from the 2023 Virginia Shepherd's Symposium- Wednesday, January 11
- Do Not Let High Feed Costs Ruin Your Lamb Crop - Dr. Dan Morrical, Professor Emeritus, Iowa State University; Premier 1 Production Specialist
- Understanding and Using Forage Tests and Feed Tags – Kevin Spurlin, Virginia Cooperative
Extension– Grayson County - Lamb Market Situation and Outlook - Dr. David Anderson, Professor and Extension Specialist -Livestock and Food Product Marketing, Texas A&M University; Matthew Sponaugle, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Recording from the 2023 Virginia Shepherd's Symposium- Thursday, January 12
- Sheep Health Tips and New Antibiotic Policies - Dr. Kevin Pelzer, Virginia-Maryland
College of Veterinary Medicine - Back to the Basics With Parasite Control - Dr. Scott Bowdridge, West Virginia University
- Update from ASI - Lisa Weeks, ASI Executive Board- Region II Director, Virginia
Virginia Sheep Industry Updates - reports from Virginia Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Virginia Sheep Industry Board, and Virginia Sheep Producers Association
VSPA Director Elections - Gary Hornbaker, President
2022 Virginia Virtual Shepherd's Symposium Proceedings
Wednesday, January 12
- Reproduction in Sheep– Key Components - Dr. Jamie Stewart, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
- Using Reproductive Technologies– Synchronization, AI and ET– Dr. Daniel Poole, Department of Animal Science, North Carolina State University
- Saving Baby Lambs - Dr. Kevin Pelzer, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
Thursday, January 13
- Applying Genetics and Genomics to Enhance the Flock - Dr. Andrew Weaver, Department of Animal Science, North Carolina State University
- Successfully Using Guardian Animals: Producer Perspective - producer panel
- Update from ASI - Lisa Weeks, ASI Executive Board- Region II Director, Virginia
- Virginia Sheep Industry Updates - reports from Virginia Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Virginia Sheep Industry Board, and Virginia Sheep Producers Association
- VSPA Director Elections - Mandy Fletcher, President
Wednesday, January 6th (Part 1 )
- Nontraditional Markets for Sheep - Dr. Reid Redden, Sheep & Goat Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
- Producer Spotlight- Joe Gingerich, Gingerich Family Katahdins and Gretchen Frederick, Solitude Wool; Debbie Webster, Whispering Pines Farm, Dairy & Cheese
Wednesday, January 6th (Part 2)- Parker and Annual Meeting
- Update from ASI - Jimmy Parker, ASI Executive Board- Region II Director, Alabama
- VSPA Annual Meeting - Mandy Fletcher, President
Thursday, January 7th (Part 1)
- Proper Use of Antibiotics on the Farm - Dr. Kevin Pelzer, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
- Parasite Control Research; Update-Anne Zajac, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
Thursday, January 7th (Part 2)
- Farming with labels- Organic, natural, humane, grass-fed: What does it all mean? - Susan Schoenian, Sheep and Goat Specialist, University of Maryland
- Update from VDACS - Dan Hadacek, DVM, Northern Regional Veterinary Supervisor
- Opportunities With Virginia Sheep Industry Board - Matthew Sponaugle, VDACS
2017 Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Table of Contents
- 2017 Shepherd's Symposium Sponsors
- Making the Most of Your Forgages - Dr. John Fike
- Feeding Strategies for the Ewe Flock - Dr. Dan Morrical
- Dealing with Parasites: Where are we headed? - Dr. Anne Zajac
- What is VFD and What Does It Mean For Sheep Producers? - Dr. John Currin
- Evaluation of Terminal Sires in Hair Sheep Production Systems - Andrew Weaver
- Economic Impact of Selection for Parasite Resistance and Growth - Tom Stanley
- Return on Ram Selection
- Lambing Management Tips
- Outstanding Sheep Producer Award Recipients
2016 Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- 2016 Shepherd's Symposium Schedule
- Table of Contents
- 2016 Shepherd's Symposium Sponsors
- Understanding the Opportunities Using NSIP - Dr. Dave Notter
- Experiences with NSIP as a tool for Parasite Resistance - Dr. Scott Greiner
- Update from the American Sheep Industry Association - Bob Leer
- Making the Most of Your Forages - Dr. Bain Wilson
- When to call the Veterinarian - Dr. Kevin Pelzer
2015 Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- 2015 Shepherds' Symposium Schedule
- Table of Contents
- 2015 Sponsors
- New Research and its Applications to Dealing with Parasites
- Lamb Market Situation and Outlook
- Keeping and Using Flock Records
- Timely Management Strategies for the Flock
- Determining the Value of Your Wool
- Marketing Opportunities for Your Wool
- Report from the American Sheep Industry Association
- Lambing Time Management: Keys to Success
- Keys to My Sheep Operation: Producer Panel and Virtual Tours:
- Sponaugle Suffolks
- Ashley Club Lambs
- Ridgeview Acres
- Shamoka Run Farm
- Outstanding Sheep Producer Award Recipients
- Useful Information for Wool Producers
2014 Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- 2014 Symposium Schedule
- Table of Contents
- 2014 Sponsors
- Key Components to Successful Flock Health
- Lamb Market Situation and Outlook
- The Hale Report - American Lamb Industry Roadmap Project
- Minerals and Vitamins for the Flock
- Experiences with CIDRs in the Virginia Tech Dorset Flock
- Capturing Marketing Opportunities to Add Value
- Outstanding Sheep Producer Award Recipients
2013 Shepherd's Symposium Proceedings
- Table of Contents
- 2013 Sponsors
- Sheep Health - Common Problems, Mistakes, and Remedies
- A New Approach: Forage-Based Ram Test for Evaluation of Performance and Parasites
- Utilizing Fecal Egg Counts as Parasite Management Tool
- The Sheep Business - National Perspective from ASI
- Flock Nutritional Strategies
- Ram Selection
- Successful Marketing - What You Need to Know - Gary Hornbaker
- Successful Marketing - What You Need to Know - Mike Carpenter
- Outstanding Sheep Producer Award Recipients
2012 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
Schedule of Events
- Table of Contents
- Sponsor Page (PDF | 10KB)
- Sheep Parasite Management - Past, Present, Future
- FAMACHA Overview
- On-farm Applications of FAMACHA for Parasite Control
- Our Experiences with Direct Marketing of Lamb and Wool
- twoPlus Campaign Overview
- Let's Grow with twoPlus Campaign, Implications for Virginia
- Ewe Body Condition Scoring
- Hay Quality and Supplementation
- Small Ruminant Vaccine Program
- Improving Carcass Merit in Sheep
- Experiences with Sheep CIDRs to Induce Fall Lambing
- Award Recipients
2011 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Managing Parasites - Keys to Success
- Selected Tools for Internal Parasite Management in Sheep
- Trying to Get the Job Done with COWP
- National Issues Impacting Sheep Producers
- Out-of-Season Breeding Using the Eazi-Breed CIDR-G in Ewes
- Expansion Decisions for the Part-Time Sheep Producer
- Working with Your Local Livestock Market
- Successful Wool Marketing - Our Story
- Award Recipients
2010 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Table of Contents and Sponsors
- Keys to a Successful Lambing Season
- Strategies for Genetic Improvement of Parasite Resistance in Sheep
- Practical Solutions for On-Farm Mortality Disposal
- Making the Most of Lamb Marketing
- Ewe Nutrition and Management Do's and Don'ts
- Award Recipients
2009 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Foreign Animal Diseases That Threaten Livestock
- Lessons from the West Virginia Sheep Project
- Forage Management and Fertilization Strategies
- Parasite Management Strategies for Grazing Lambs
- Country of Origin Labeling - What Sheep Producers Need to Know
2008 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Routine and Emergency Medicine for the Sheep Flock
- Forage Management: Preparing for 2008
- Feeding Strategies for Drought Conditions
- Agriculture Laws and Your Operation
- Key Components to Making Money in the Sheep Business
2007 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- The Livestock Guardian Dog
- Strategies for Improving Flock Genetics
- Parasite Resistance: Only for Hair Sheep?
- Comparative Health Concerns for Sheep and Goats
Making the Most of Your Feed Dollars
2006 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Building a Grazing System for Small Ruminant Production
- Ewe Nutrition
- Ewe Obsetrics and Newborn Lamb Management
- Sheep Selection 101
- Sheep Food Care and Treatment
2005 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Managing Worms in Your Sheep and the FAMACHA System
- Minerals and Vitamins for Sheep
- Deworming Agents
- Assessing Forage Quality and Using Results in Flock Nutrition
- Lamb Quality Assurance
- Preparing for the Lambing Season
- Lamb Carcass Evaluation
- Lamb Grading and Evaluation
- Body Condition Scoring Ewes and Late Gestation
2004 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Managing Worms in Your Sheep (Or Is thee Life After Drugs
- The US Animal Identification Plan
USAIP - "Sheep Industry Issues" - "Ewe Obstetrics and Newborn Lamb Management
- Genetic Lessons from the United Kingdom
- Overview of National Wool Programs
- National Programs and Their Impact on Virginia Producers
- Evaluation of Hair Sheep Composite Breeds: Summary of Results
- Lamb Grading and Evaluation
2003 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Pasture Mainenance and Revitalization Following Drought
- Religion and Lamb Consumption
- Experiences of the Scott County Katahdin Co-op
- Update on the Northeast Sheep and Goat Marketing Program
- Understanding USDA Payment Programs for Sheep Producers
- The Status of the Virginia Cooperatiave Coyote Damage Control Program - Fiscal Year 2002
- Successful Ewe Lamb Development, Breeding, Lambing
2002 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- National Scrapie Eradication Program: Producer Implicatioins
- Evaluation of Hair Sheep Composit Breeds for Easy-Care Lamb Production: Progress Report
- Understanding the Lamb Market
- Commercial Production Systems that Make Economic and Marketing Sense
- Adding Value to My Sheep Operation - Producer Panel
- Pasture Management and Renovation
- Club Lamb Fungus: Prevention and Treatment
- Current Concepts in Sheep Parasite Control
- Control of Abortion and Ringwomb in Ewes
- Shepherd's Supply Inventory
2001 VA-NC Shepherds' Symposium Proceedings
- Genetics of Scrapie Resistance
Lamb Marketing in Virginia: Historical Prices and Competing in the Future - Direct Marketing Off the Farm: What You Need to Know
- Marketing Systems that Work for Me: Producer Panel
- Manipulation of the Breeding Season
- Ewe Vaccination Programs
- Nutritional Management of the Ewe Flock
- Ewe Nutrition
- Baby Lamb Management