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Glasses, pen and calculator laying on a sheet with columns of data.

Dairy Management Spreadsheets 


  • Dairy Trends.pdf

    Western Dairy Accounts Dec. 2010

  • AnnCost.xls

    Calculates Annual Cost of Machinery/Equipment for n years

  • BudgCS.xls

    Corn Silage Budget from Extension Service

  • BudgCow.xls

    Dairy Budget from Extension Service - 1 year, cash flow, ration feeds

  • BudgGraze.xls

    Dairy Grazing Budget - Extension Service, cash flow

  • BudgHeif.xls

    Dairy Calf / Heifer Budget - Extension Service, cash flow

  • BudgHeifByAge.xls

    Dairy Calf / Heifer Budget - Extension Service, cash flow, by ages

  • BudgPast.xls

    Pasture Budget - Extension Service

  • BudgCowNC2011.xls

    Cash Flow Budget for North Carolina 2011

  • BudgWest.xls

    Cow Enterprise Profit-Loss - accounting firm format, multiple years

  • BudgWisc.xls

    Dairy Cow Profit-Loss - by enterprises, by herd, cow, and cwt milk

  • Concrete.xls

    Estimate cost of concrete

  • CropNPk.xls

    Compute manure nutrients and crop acreage to utilize them

  • DecChart.xls

    Score and weight decision alternatives (goals)

  • Decal.xls

    Decision Analysis - Time value conversions and business measures

  • Decal2010.xls

    Decal with Rate of Return macro for Excel 2007 or later

  • FinStmts.xls

    Financial Statements: Cash Flow, Profit-Loss, Networth

  • LeaseBuy.xls

    Compare lease to buy based on net cost

  • LoanTax.xls
    Amortize and evaluate loans, w/ tax deductions (annual/monthly)
  • MilkCommissionBase.xls  |  article
    A Decision Making Tool to Determine the Feasibiliy of Purchasing Virginia Milk Commission Base
  • ParlorComparisons.xls
    Size a parlor, change herd size, compare effic and costs including milking labor
  • Pbudget.xls

    Five or 10-year partial budget for changes (cash flow and net worth)

  • PlanCash.xls

    5 years of cash flow and profit-loss along with a herdsize sheet for planning

  • PlanHerdSize.xls

    Herdsize calculations for new, continuing or expanded herd

  • PlanOptimumGroups.xls

    Plan group sizes for optimum parlor use and net income

  • PlanWaste.xls

    Estimate volume of manure and waste water and necessary storage

  • PropBuy.xls

    Projected costs of purchasing property with a mortgage

  • PropBuy2010.xlsm

    PropBuy with macros for Excel 2007 and more recent

  • Refinance.xls

    Compares a loan to a refinanced loan

  • SiloCap.xls

    Capacities of silos and bags for various feeds (includes cost/T dry matter)

  • TaxDepr.xls

    Calculation and value of depreciation for income taxes

Visit for all VTDairyScience videos.

Preventing silage-related injuries and fatalities among farm workers

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Winter Crops as a Feed Source for Dairy Cattle

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Determining Harvesting Time for Corn Silage

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Management of compost-bedded pack barns

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Manejo del becerro recién nacido - Newborn calf management

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In the spring of 2020, we hosted short calls at noon each Friday to update dairy producers in Virginia on current topics.  Available recordings for those calls are linked below.

April 24: Jeremy Daubert, VCE, "What can extension do for you?

May 1: Elizabeth Moretz, The Dairy Alliance, "Dairy Promotion"

May 8: Eric Paulson, Virginia State Dairymans Association, "Dairy Policy Updates"

May 15: Christinia Petersson-Wolfe, Virginia Tech, "Mastitis Reduction Tips"

May 22: Gonzalo Ferriera, Virginia Tech, "Forage Quality"

May 29: Dave Winston, Virginia Tech, "Dairy Records Key Indicators"

June 12: Jeff Bewley, Alltech, "Lean Dairy Management"

June 19: Christine Brodeur, DFA, "Milk Contracting Basics"

June 26: Jeremy Daubert, VCE, "Heat Stress Strategies"

July 3: Michele Payn, Cause Matters, "Communicating Science to the Public"

July 10: Joe Dalton, University of Idaho, "Strategies for using Beef on Dairy"


Managing Nitrates and Prussic Acid in Forages  

Sampling your forage...


Looking for a lab to test your feedstuff?


  • Brookside Laboratories, Inc. , New Knoxville, OH 45871  | (419) 753-2448;
  • Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, Maugansville, MD 21767  |  (800) 282-7522;
  • Dairy One Forage Lab  Ithaca, NY 14850  |  (800) 496-3344;
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Check them out--you'll be glad you did!


Additional Resources:


VT Mastitis & Immunology Laboratory or 540-231-4767



Extension Agent Access