Christina Petersson-Wolfe
- Dairy Ext. Leader

2120 Litton-Reaves Hall
175 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Originally from Massachusetts, Christina came to Virginia Tech in November 2006. After receiving her bachelor’s from Penn State, she completed her master’s degree at the University of Guelph and then a doctoral degree at Ohio State. Although she attended two Big 10 schools, there is no doubt her allegiances lie with her true alma mater!
Christina’s research and extension goals focus on improving milk quality through reducing mastitis and improving animal well being. More specifically, she is interested in identifying environmental sources of the mastitis-causing pathogen Enterococcus spp. Furthermore, her research efforts have begun to examine ways to detect disease prior to onset of clinical signs as a way of improving animal well being. Christina also maintains an active milk culturing laboratory to aid in both her research and extension efforts. The milk laboratory led to several extension programs focusing on the importance of milk culturing and teaching producers how to use the results to become more profitable. Other extension efforts have related to testing milking equipment and improving parlor efficiency.
Outside of the lab and office, she enjoys spending time with her sons and husband, photography, and showing Labrador Retrievers.
Book Chapters
Ruegg P.L. & Petersson-Wolfe C.S. (2018). Mastitis in Dairy Cows Preface. Veterinary Clinics of North America – Food Animal Practice, 34(3), IX-X. doi:10.1016/j.cvfa.2018.08.001
Petersson-Wolfe C.S., Leslie K.E. & Swartz T.H.* (2018). An Update on the Effect of Clinical Mastitis on the Welfare of Dairy Cows and Potential Therapies. Veterinary Clinics of North America – Food Animal Practice, 34(3), 525-+. doi:10.1016/j.cvfa.2018.07.006
Petersson-Wolfe C.S., Swartz T.H.*, Steele N. & Dela Rue B. (2017). Opportunities for managing health and well-being using precision technologies.. In Large Dairy Herd Management. 3rd edition (section 15-95; pp 1279-93).
Petersson-Wolfe, C. S. and J. S. Hogan. (2017). Laboratory Handbook on Bovine Mastitis: Enterococcus spp. National Mastitis Council, Inc. Verona, WI.
Petersson-Wolfe, C. S. and J. S. Hogan. (2017). Laboratory Handbook on Bovine Mastitis: Gram-negative pathogens. National Mastitis Council, Inc. Verona, WI.
Leslie, K. E. and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. (2012). Assessment and management of pain in dairy cows with clinical mastitis. Veterinary Clinics of North America – Food Animal Practice; Mastitis in Dairy Cows. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA. Vol. 28 (Number 2): Pp. 289-306.
Books Edited
Ruegg P.L. & Petersson-Wolfe C.S. (2018). Mastitis in Dairy Cows. Veterinary Clinics of North America – Food Animal Practice, 34(3). doi:10.1016/j.cvfa.2018.08.001
Adkins, P.R., J.R. Middleton, L.K. Fox, G. Pighetti & C.S. Petersson-Wolfe (2017). Laboratory Handbook on Bovine Mastitis. National Mastitis Council, Inc. Verona, WI. Fifth Edition.
Steele, N.*, A. Tholen, A. De Vries, S. J. Lacy-Hulbert, R. R. White, and C. S. Petersson- Wolfe. 2016. Changes in real-time sensor data prior to gram-positive and gram-negative clinical mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 100, Suppl. 2
Z. Mason*, D. T. Nolan, P. D. Krawczel, G. M. Pighetti, C. S. Petersson-Wolfe, A. E. Stone, J. M. Bewley, and S. H. Ward. 2017. Significance of cow cooling practices and bulk tank milk quality parameters in southeastern United States dairy farms. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 100, Suppl. 2
Henderson, C.L.**, C. S. Petersson-Wolfe, D. R. Winston, and K. M. Daniels. 2015. Using technologies to enhance respiratory disease detection in calves. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 101, Suppl. 2.
Petersson-Wolfe, C.S., A. R. Tholen*, J. Currin and K.E. Leslie. 2013. Practical methods for mastitis control. Western Canadian Dairy Seminar; Advances in Dairy Technology. Vol 25:341-358.
Fitzpatrick, C. E.*, N. Chapinal, C. S. Petersson-Wolfe and K. E. Leslie. Objective assessment of pain in dairy cattle with clinical mastitis. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. July 2011.
Petersson-Wolfe, C. S., S. N. Masiello* and J. S. Hogan. The ability of enterococci to survive the ensiling process and the gastrointestinal tract may lead to increased environmental contamination. 5th IDF Mastitis Conference. 2010. Christchurch, N.Z. Pg. 702.
Masiello, S. N.* and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. 2009. The ability of enterococci to survive the ensiling process. J. Dairy Sci. 92:(E-Suppl. 1) 543.
Stewart, B.**, T. H. Yang, J. S. Hogan and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. 2009. Genotypic profiling of enterococci from bovine origin. J. Dairy Sci. 92:(E- Suppl. 1) 174.
MacGlafin, C. E., A. M. Zajac., K. A. Rego, C. S. Petersson-Wolfe and K. H. Petersson. 2009. Effect of vitamin E supplementation on naturally occurring parasite infection in lambs. J. Dairy Sci. 92:(E-Suppl. 1)1 2.
Karp, H.* and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. 2009. Validation of a novel in-line milk analysis system designed to measure SCC and milk components. J. Dairy Sci. 92:(E-Suppl. 1) 117.
Masiello, S. N.* and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. 2009. The ability of enterococci to survive the ensiling process. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings, Charlotte, NC. Pp. 210-211.
Petersson, K. H, L. Connor, C. S. Petersson-Wolfe and K. Rego*. 2009. Is Levowitz-Weber the appropriate confirmatory stain for the direct microscopic somatic cell counting of ovine milk? J. Dairy Sci. 90:(E-Suppl. 1) 81.
Smith, E.**, K. F. Knowlton, C. S. Petersson-Wolfe, I. K. Mullarky and D. Winston. 2009. The relationship between proinflammatory cytokine levels and onset of milk fever in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 90:(E-Suppl. 1) 189.
Smith, E.**, K. F. Knowlton, C. S. Petersson-Wolfe, D. Winston and I. K. Mullarky. 2008. The relationship between Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha and calcium homeostasis at the onset of milk fever in dairy cows. Proceedings of the 89th Annual Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease. Chicago, IL. Pg. 106.
Dingwell, R. T., C. J. McLaren, T. M. Osborne, C. S. Petersson and K. E. Leslie. 2004. Reliability of a manual assessment technique to determine teat canal closure during the dry period. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings, Fort Worth, TX. Pp. 294-295.
Petersson, C. S., K. E. Leslie, D. F. Kelton and B. A. Mallard. 2004. Impact of two coliform mastitis vaccination schedules on immune response, milk yield, intramammary infection and dry matter feed intake in Holstein dairy cattle. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings, Fort Worth, TX. Pp. 356-357.
Leslie, K. E., T. F. Duffield, T. M. Osborne, C. S. Petersson and T. Geishauser. 2004. Associations between prepartum metabolic indicators and ketone concentrations post-calving in transition dairy cows. World Buiatrics Conference, Quebec, Canada. Volume 34(1):120.
Petersson, C. S., T. M. Osborne, K. E. Leslie and T. F. Duffield. 2003. Effect of delivery of monensin on dry matter intake and metabolic parameters in transition dairy cows. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting Proceedings. Indianapolis, IN.
Petersson, C. S., K. E. Leslie, D. F. Kelton, B. A. Mallard, T. M. Osborne and A. M. Fairfield. 2003. Impact of two coliform mastitis immunization schedules on immune response, milk yield, intramammary infection and dry matter feed intake in Holstein dairy cattle. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual Meeting Proceedings, Columbus, OH. Pp 165-166.
Petersson, C. S., K. E. Leslie, D. F. Kelton, B. A. Mallard and S. W. Martin. 2002. Impact of two coliform mastitis vaccination schedules on milk production and dry matter feed intake of dairy cattle. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings. Orlando, FL. Pp.168-169.
Petersson, C. S., K. E. Leslie, D. F. Kelton and B. A. Mallard. 2002. Impact of two coliform mastitis vaccination schedules on milk yield, dry matter feed intake and intramammary infections of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 85:(Suppl 1)84.
Kelton, D. F., C. S. Petersson, K. E. Leslie and D. Hansen. 2001. Associations between clinical mastitis and pregnancy on Ontario dairy farms. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Pp. 200-201.
Kelton, D. F., C. S. Petersson, K. E. Leslie and D. Hansen. 2001. Associations between clinical mastitis and conception on Ontario dairy farms. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings, Reno, NV. Pp. 228-229.
Petersson, C. S. 2001. Evaluation of the effect of two coliform vaccine protocols. Pharmacia Animal Health Dairy Seminar. Orangeville, Ontario, Canada.
- 2022 – present Associate Professor, School of Animal Sciences, Virginia Tech
- 2013 – 2022 Associate Professor, Dept of Dairy Science, Virginia Tech
- 2006 – 2013 Assistant Professor, Dept of Dairy Science, Virginia Tech
- 2003 – 2006 Research Assistant, OARDC Mastitis Laboratory, Wooster, OH
- 2000 – 2003 Research Assistant, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
- Ph.D. - The Ohio State University, 2006, Animal Sciences
- M.S. - University of Guelph, 2003, Population Medicine
- B.S. - Pennsylvania State University, 2000, Dairy & Animal Science
Education Honors & Awards
- Kennedy Fellowship, Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University (Fall 2003)
- Chancellor's List for Graduate Students (Spring 2005 & 2006)
- Penn State Coaly Honor Society (Spring 1998)
National Mastitis Council
President - 2023
Mastitis Research Workers
Former Secretary, Vice-President, and President