Scott Greiner

366 Litton-Reaves Hall
175 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
- Ph.D. Animal Science, Iowa State University, 1997
- M.S. Animal Science, Michigan State University, 1992
- B.S. Animal Science, Iowa State University, 1989
Professor - Extension Animal Scientist, Beef/Sheep; and Extension Project Leader (90% Extension, 10% Research appointment), School of Animal Sciences (Dept. of Animal and Poultry Sciences), Virginia Tech
Associate Professor - Extension Animal Scientist, Beef/Sheep; and Extension Project Leader (90% Extension, 10% Research appointment), Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences, Virginia Tech
Assistant Professor and Extension Animal Scientist, Beef/Sheep, (100% Extension appointment), Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences, Virginia Tech
Adjunct Instructor (100% Teaching appointment), Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University
As Extension Beef and Sheep Specialist, my mission is to provide leadership that will enhance the profitability and sustainability of beef cattle and sheep production. This is accomplished by providing research-based education to livestock producers, Extension agents, and allied industry professionals on the application of science to beef and sheep production. Specifically, I: 1) design and deliver educational programs and materials related to beef cattle genetic improvement, and sheep production and sheep marketing; 2) provide leadership for statewide breed improvement programs in beef cattle and sheep; 3) develop and maintain strong working relationships with the beef and sheep industries and allied organizations; and 4) conduct applied research that is complementary to my extension focus areas. As Extension Departmental Leader, I coordinate animal and poultry science Extension activities and provide leadership to the college Animal Production Planned Program Team.
Major Extension Programs Developed, Coordinated, and Implemented by S.P. Greiner:
- Virginia Beef Center of Excellence
- Virginia Bull Evaluation Program
- Master Cattleman’s Program
- Shepherds Symposium
- Sheep Basics Workshop
- Virginia Ram Evaluation Program
- Southwest Virginia Forage-Based Ram Test Program
- State Fair Youth Sheep Exhibition
Extension Programs Supported by S.P. Greiner:
- Youth Livestock Programs and Events
- Tri-State Beef Conference
- Virginia Beef Quality Assurance Program
- Virginia Quality Assured Feeder Cattle
- Appointed Member, U.S. Beef Breeds Council Ultrasound Guidelines Council, 2004-2013, 2020-present
- Superintendent, National Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest, 2006-present
- Member, American Sheep Industry Association Podcast Education Committee, 2020-present
- ASAS Midwest Section Harlan Ritchie Symposia Committee, 2019-2022
- ASAS Southern Section Genetics Section Review Committee, 2019-present
- Member, American Sheep Industry Association Grow With Two Plus Education Committee, 2011-2017
- Member, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Beef Production Research Committee, 2004-2014
- Educational Advisor, Virginia Beef Cattle Improvement Association, 1998-present
- Educational Advisor, Virginia Sheep Producers Association, 1998-present
- Educational Advisor, Virginia Cattlemen’s Association, 1998-present
- Educational Advisor, Virginia Sheep Industry Board, 1998-present
- Educational Advisor, Virginia Cattleman’s Foundation, 2008-present
- Member, Virginia Alliance for Animal Agriculture, 2009-present
- Member, Virginia Livestock Hall of Fame Committee, 2009-present
- Livestock Judging, 89 Virginia and 46 out-of-state junior livestock exhibitions, 2012-present
- Hall of Merit Award, Virginia Angus Association, 2023
- CALS Alumni Organization Outstanding Faculty Alumni Engagement Award, 2020
- Continuing Service Award, Beef Improvement Federation, 2019
- Distinguished Service Award, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2018
- Andy Swiger Land Grant Award, Virginia Tech College of Ag and Life Sciences, 2017
- Distinguished Service Award, Virginia Angus Association, 2015
- Presidents Pick Research Abstract Recognition, American Soc. Animal Science Meeting, 2013
- Virginia 4-H All Star Award, 2013
- Extension Service Award, Virginia Agribusiness Council, 2012
- VCE State Programming Award- New Initiatives, for Master Cattleman Program Team, 2011
- Alumni Award for Excellence in Extension, Virginia Tech Alumni Association, 2010
- Extension Award, Gamma Sigma Delta, 2008
- Publication Communication Award- National Finalist, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2005
- Achievement Award, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2004
- Alpha Gamma Rho Beta Eta Chapter, W.W. Bennett Hurt Outstanding Service Award, 2003
My research efforts are designed to complement my extension programs, as well as train graduate students interested in careers in Extension or industry. My primary area of research focus has been the Evaluation of Hair Breeds of Sheep in Low-input, Forage-based Systems conducted at the Southwest AREC. The initial phase of the project evaluated and characterized the Dorper and Katahdin breeds for growth, maternal traits, parasite resistance, carcass merit, and product quality. The use of terminal sires to compliment hair sheep in forage-based systems was the next phase of the project. Current research utilizes two lines of Katahdin sheep divergently selected for parasite resistance to study both basic and applied aspects of internal parasite infection along with control mechanisms and strategies. Genetic selection for parasite resistance/tolerance was established through our research, and additional studies are ongoing to describe selection protocols to optimize performance, identification of interactions between genetics and the production environment, and the influence of selection on immune function. This research is multi-state, with strong collaborations with Dr. Scott Bowdridge’s lab at WVU, along with Dr. Andrew Weaver’s lab at NCSU. A result of my research efforts related to hair sheep and parasite resistance led to the establishment of the Forage-based Ram Test at the Southwest AREC in 2012. This unique program has been highly impactful and nationally recognized. Recent funding secured to further advance the hair sheep research has resulted in facility upgrades and ability to measure individual animal feed intake. This has enabled us to initiate studies evaluating relationships between parasite resistance and measures of efficiency in forage-based systems. Results from the work at the Southwest AREC has been shared through a variety of forums including refereed journals, Extension publications, popular press articles, as well as field days and workshops and supported training of several graduate students.
In addition, I collaborate with several colleagues investigating production and management challenges faced by Virginia beef producers. These studies primarily focus on forage-based beef cattle production.
APSC 4554- Advanced Livestock Enterprise Management
Course focuses on application of principles needed to manage profitable and sustainable beef cattle, sheep, and swine enterprises. This includes use of techniques to develop and evaluate strategies resulting in sound livestock enterprise management decisions, and focus on advanced animal management protocols, enterprise analysis, resource allocation, marketing options and risk management.
Additionally, I provide invited lectures and lab instruction for several courses in Animal and Poultry Sciences as well as the College of Veterinary Medicine. I also serve students through formal and informal Extension experience mentoring, along with academic advising. Involvement with students outside the classroom by coordinating leadership experiences and assisting with club activities are all mechanisms through which I contribute to the teaching mission. Furthermore, my engagement with youth through 4-H livestock programs as well as my judging activities has enabled me to recruit, educate and influence the next generation of agriculturalists.
Bio ItemEmily Bowman , bio
M.S. Student
Bio ItemNicole Valliere , bio
Ph.D. Student