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Vinicius Alves Cruz

Ph.D. Student

Animal Scientist (B.S in animal sciences at UFRRJ - Brazil). During undergrad, I got several opportunities to develop as a professional and as an aspiring researcher as I was granted a scholarship from Capes-Brazil (2014 - 2015) to study abroad in the United States, learning about equine nutrition and management (North Dakota State University) and beef cattle nutrition and management (University of California - Davis).

With this mindset I came back to Brazil where I became an undergraduate Research and teaching assistant at the University. These experiences enlightened the way that I saw researching and teaching which led me to start my academic career, pursuing my master's degree in animal sciences (UFRRJ - Brazil).

Once I finished my masters, I started my PhD program at Montana State University with Dr. Marques (2021 - 2023) working with ruminant nutrition and fetal programming. My research is focused on how different sources of supplements (trace minerals and PUFA) fed during late gestation could lead to an enhanced offspring performance from birth to slaughter. After two and a half years of my graduate program at MSU I had the opportunity to be transferred to Virginia Tech and the School of Animal Sciences to finish my studies. 


Dr. Rodrigo Marques